Friday, August 27, 2010

Washington Trip

     The plane trip left much to be desired at the beginning. The initial getting to the right place in Atlanta was a real pain! Then, boarding and seeing how tiny the plane is on the inside was terrifying! I think all that know me would be proud though. I did not make a scene. I didn't climb the walls or demand that I be allowed off for oxygen of my own. Nope, I stayed the course. I was beginning to adapt to the close quarters when the pilot announced we would be taking off. That lift off signaled for me the finality of this decision to fly. Did you know that once you are in the air, you cannot get off not matter what???? Yep. That was my second bout with panic. But, again, I managed to overcome. I think it was concern for my boys and the comforting of my sweet husband and momma that got me chilled out enough to continue. The flight itself was ok. The only real issue I had was the occasional bout of no air. I managed to get my mind off it along the way. My daddy kept asking momma if I was ok. Having my most precious people being concerned for me helped  a lot!
     We arrived at my parent's house around 4am. We were soooooo wiped out! It wasn't really until the next day that we begin to take in some of the beauty of Yakima. It is a rather dry (almost desert) place. If it weren't for irrigation of many forms, this place would be so barren that no life could make it. But, there are patches of beautiful green. I always thought Washington was known for apples and cherries and that was it. Turns out, hops, apples, cherries, corn, pears, peaches, milk, grapes, and mint are among their most common agricultural contributions. It has been so educational for my boys. They will hopefully get to tour a place where the apples are stored and preserved for shipping all over the world.
    We have so much more to see. So, off we go....

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